The pages in this section are designed to make you start thinking about YOU. Normally, this is something most people find very hard to do… but it is essential to do when looking at trying to find a career which suits the complicated person you really are 🙂
Since most people are only really “aware” of a very limited number (20+ ?) of different occupations, the pages in this section are designed to make you start thinking about a much BIGGER range of jobs! Considering there are actually over 50,000 different jobs available, you have a much better chance of finding one which suits you.
A résumé is a vital tool for your job hunt! Unfortunately, it’s also one which can be your “undoing” if you don’t get it right! Again… you are writing about your personal achievements… something which the majority of people (naturally) find hard to do.
There’s no doubt about it… the Internet has made the job search process a LOT easier… but has also introduced a whole swag of things you need to keep on top of.
You might think this is the process which you use to get a job… but essentially an employer uses it to REJECT unsuitable candidates 🙂 We’ll show you what “careless mistakes” can make the employer’s task a lot easier… and if you avoid them, will improve your chances significantly.
When you get a job interview, remember that you are one of only a select few who has made it this far through the whole process! To understand how to “perform” well in a job interview, it helps to put yourself in the Boss’s position, and try to see what they see…
The job interview is a most critical time, and it’s probably taken you a lot of hard work to score one… so don’t blow it!!!