Since November 2011, ACTT has been a subsidiary of the JMC Academy. Celebrating 30 years in education, JMC remains Australia’s leading creative industries institution and ACTT shares JMC’s focus on nurturing, supporting and mentoring students with true passion and dedication. Now co-located with the International Film School Sydney in a new campus at 41 Holt St Surry Hills, ACTT is in the best position to deliver their quality training for actors, music theatre performers and backstage crew.
With over 20 years experience, ACTT continues to focus on developing exceptional Industry practices in actor training & production. ACTT offers a unique system of training for the contemporary actor. The ‘ACTT System’ is a dynamic process of learning that equips the actor with a robust and logical pathway to producing physical and emotional performance. This training is the only kind in the country that fuses the psychology of acting with an approach to moving and embodying the character for stage and screen. Leading theatre and screen practitioners who train actors in companies such as Bell, Belvoir & STC along with those who work as drama coaches in television form the teaching team.
ACTT proudly offers the following accredited courses: 10349NAT Advanced Diploma of Stage and Screen Acting 10354NAT Advanced Diploma of Music Theatre 10345NAT Certificate IV in Theatre and Screen Performance CUA60213 Advanced Diploma of Live Production and Management Services